When I register for professional events, first and foremost in my mind is the experience I expect to have. I picture catching up with old faces and finding out what’s working and not working in their organizations. I also picture new faces with new perspectives. Of course, there are the subject-matter experts there to make sure I’m informed and knowledgeable about the latest trends and topics relevant to my organization’s growth. However, at the center of it all, is the belief that this is the place I need to be and the peers I need to surround myself with to achieve my professional goals. It is from that perspective that I began planning Staffing World 2022 for you and your like-minded colleagues who want to achieve more, grow faster, and be more successful in your careers.

We are rethinking Staffing World content from the ground up with a focus on you, the attendee, your knowledge, your experience, your challenges, and your developmental goals. We want to put the power in your hands to make the event as relevant and impactful as possible. What does that mean? Well for starters, here are some things to expect:
- A greater emphasis on learning from your peers, sharing experiences, and hearing multiple perspectives compared to conferences where all the learning is presented to you in drawn out lectures with little to no audience participation or sharing of ideas.
- An agenda crafted from needs identified based on direct attendee feedback rather than what some planner far-removed from your everyday experiences decides is important.
- More tangible takeaways to bring home with you and apply on-the-job instead of theoretical information that you may or may not have a use for.
- An opportunity to hear from keynoters who not only inspire but also with whom you can relate.
- Subject-matter experts focused on your success and the overall success of the industry whether that translates into some personal benefit for them or not.
That’s the type of event that provides unprecedented value with each passing minute. That is Staffing World 2022, an event that can’t be missed. I’ll see you there.
Dustin Norwood
Vice President & Chief Learning Officer
American Staffing Association