
Our Staffing World 2024 presenters represent a broad range of perspectives and expertise.

Light is an experienced certified emergency nurse who has completed nearly 40 travel assignments over 18 years. During his time as a travel nurse, he has taken on various roles—including pediatric and adult ER nurse, house supervisor, and interim emergency department director. He is recognized as a co-founder of three influential organizations dedicated to serving health care travelers: The Professional Association of Nurse Travelers, which has a membership exceeding 14,000; Travelers Education Group, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that awards educational scholarships to health care travelers pursuing advanced health care degrees; and TravCon, which is renowned as the largest annual educational conference for nursing and allied health care travelers in the U.S. Light has presented on topics such as negotiating contracts with staffing agencies and promoting ethical best practices for temporary clinicians. Furthermore, he teaches clinical courses related to trauma and emergency departments. Currently, Light is working remotely as a consultant for the education team at TravCon, a co-director of Travelers Education Group, and the president of the Professional Association of Nurse Travelers.