Staffing World is where the staffing community comes together to make strategic connections, learn about new strategies, and get solutions that win business and spark growth.

Staffing World 2022 was a huge success, convening 2,300+ staffing and recruiting leaders in Las Vegas for the industry’s most comprehensive learning and networking event. Plus, a sold-out expo hall gave attendees the unique opportunity to find out more about the leading products and solutions for staffing companies.
Mark your calendar for Staffing World 2023, Oct. 3–5 in Charlotte, NC!
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3 Powerful Preconvention Programs!
Add one of these programs to your Staffing World registration for an additional fee:
THRIVE Live: Elevating Careers, Empowering Women in Staffing
Oct. 24–25
Always a popular preconvention program at Staffing World, THRIVE Live is designed for women in staffing in all stages of their careers. Be inspired and make connections with other women in staffing. Delve into transformative leadership, strategies for your greatest challenges, and much more.
Emerging Leaders: Next-Level Leadership Skills
Oct. 25
Designed especially for staffing professionals who are ready to take that next career step toward greater responsibility, visibility, and influence, this preconvention program will deliver practical and interactive content that focuses on professional growth that will benefit the participant as well as their companies.
Owners Peer Group Masterclass
Oct. 25 (invite-only)
This invite-only preconvention program brings together members of an ASA Peer Group designed especially for owners and c-suite executives. The Owners Peer Group meets virtually throughout the year to share and develop strategies specific to owners and CEOs in the staffing industry.
Engage on topics that address the needs of staffing professionals today:
Battling the Great Resignation and winning more talent
Being an inspirational and effective leader for your firm
Making technology better fuel your recruiting efforts
Dealing with disruption and capitalizing on opportunity
Supporting emerging women leaders in staffing
Tracking results when it comes to diversity and inclusion
Staying ahead of industry changes and growth opportunities
Maximizing your company’s growth potential
Building a network for new business collaborations
Increasing operational efficiencies using new tech tools
A Message from Dustin Norwood
Vice President & Chief Learning Officer, ASA
We are rethinking Staffing World content from the ground up with a focus on you, the attendee, your knowledge, your experience, your challenges, and your developmental goals. We want to put the power in your hands to make the event as relevant and impactful as possible.

Dustin Norwood, Vice President & Chief Learning Officer
What people said about Staffing World 2021