ASA works to advance the staffing industry. About ASA

New York Harassment Prevention Course: The Respectful Workplace

This sexual harassment prevention training program is designed to promote and maintain best practices for creating and maintaining a respectful and harassment-free workplace. Such training is required under New York state and New York City law.

Core Staffing Services Inc. is committed to preventing harassment in all workplaces.

As an employee of our company, you are in a special employment relationship. While you are assigned to work for our clients, you are our employee. Just like other types of employees, you are protected by employment laws including those pertaining to harassment.

It is important for you to understand your rights and how to protect yourself from inappropriate and unwanted workplace conduct. Please read our antiharassment policy here. We are solely responsible for the policy content—not ASA nor NYSA. Like all employers, we have a legal obligation to comply with all applicable employment laws.

About This Course: The Respectful Workplace

This training program will take you approximately 35 minutes. You must complete the training program in one sitting.

  • You must complete each section in sequence. You will not be able to jump ahead or skip any content.
  • The program is interactive. You will be required to answer questions as you proceed through the program.
  • When you successfully complete the training program, the company will be notified and you will receive a certificate of completion via email.*


* To protect your privacy, the notification to the company and the certificate of completion you receive will include only your name and email address (for identification), along with date and time. This information will not be saved, and no other details will be saved or transmitted. Keep your certificate for your records.

This training complies with New York law. It was prepared by New York law firm Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP under the auspices of the American Staffing Association and the New York Staffing Association. © 2019

American Staffing Association

The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry. ASA and its state affiliates advance the interests of the industry across all sectors through advocacy, research, education, and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical, and professional practices.


An affiliated chapter of ASA, NYSA represents the staffing industry in the state of New York. We serve as the voice of the industry in state efforts to communicate industry matters to association members, legislative leaders, regulators, the news media, and the general public.

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