The Psychology of a Millennial: How to Find, Train, and Motivate the Largest Generation in the Workforce


ASA Section - Office-Administrative
Brought to you by the ASA Office–Administrative Section.


Older individuals who encounter Millennials—individuals born between 1982 and 1993—are often mystified by this generation. To be able to recruit and manage these younger employees, it is critical that managers understand the society in which millennials were raised.

In this webinar, learn the keys to understanding how to find, train, and motivate Millennials in the career arena. They are widely ridiculed, but this demographic can have tremendous untapped potential.

In this webinar, attendees will learn

  • Why defining Millennials helps managers understand their psychology
  • How Millennials process stimuli differently from Baby Boomers and members of Generation X
  • How technology has changed the brain functions of Millennials
  • Ways that different parenting styles have affected Millennials
  • How Millennials respond to modern marketing tactics


Amy J. Keely, motivational speaker; business and marketing consultant,

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