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How to Maintain Your CSP Credential


Why Earn Continuing Education Hours (CE)?

There’s a lot to keep up with in the staffing industry. Laws, rules, and regulations are ever changing, at the federal level and in every state. Then there are the changes in the marketplace, the economy, shifting employment trends, evolving human resource strategies, and more.

CE Requirements for Certification Renewal

To maintain your CSP credential, certified individuals are required to:

  • Participate in 30 hours of approved CE within the three-year renewal period.
  • Submit required renewal fee

Note: Effective June 17, 2021, the previous CE requirements (6.00 Legal CE minimum and 12.00 Passive CE maximum) no longer applies. Earn your CE hours regardless of CE type (legal, active, or passive) as it best serves your career goals.

  • Fortunately, ASA goes to great efforts to keep members and all certified individuals informed and up-to-date. Here’s how you can further your staffing industry knowledge and earn CE hours:

    Eligible CE Opportunities include (but are not limited to):


    Ineligible Activities:

    • Reading blogs, articles, or books
    • Non-business related events (i.e. religious educational content)


    Attendees participating in live ASA webinars must submit CE hours earned at this time until further notice.

    For any other activity, you must submit your earned CE hours using the online CE Submission Form.


  • Certification Video Tutorial

    How to calculate your CE hourly credit for an activity:

    • 15 minutes = 0.25 CE
    • 30 minutes = 0.50 CE
    • 45 minutes = 0.75 CE
    • 60 minutes = 1.00 CE

    CE Submission Guidelines and Processing Times

    As you earn CE hours to maintain your ASA credential, you must submit them to ASA using the online CE submission form. Once you submit CE hours to ASA, it may take up to three business days for the approved CE to appear in your CE status.

    When filling out your CE submission, please enter the date and time you completed the activity. For example, if on March 26, 2020, you watched an ASA On-Demand recording (which aired live on Dec. 6, 2019) you would enter the activity for March 26, 2020—the date you viewed the recording.

    Ready to submit your CE hours? Click Here.


  • When to Submit Your Renewal Fee

    ASA credentials are valid for three years from the date of successfully completing the exam. Once you have submitted your required 30.00 CE hours for your ASA credentials, you can submit the renewal fee for each credential held.

    Certification Renewal Fee Prices
    (per credential)

    • ASA members $125
    • Nonmembers $250


Continuing Education FAQ

Answers to the most common questions about ASA Certification and CE. View FAQs »

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