ASA works to advance the staffing industry. About ASA

Agenda & Sessions


Subject to change.

Tuesday, Feb. 11

Day 1 Focus: Leadership, Strategy, and Growth

7:30–8:45 a.m.

Networking Breakfast

8:45–9 a.m.

Welcome and Executive Baseline Exercise

Get ready for today’s masterclass led by world-renowned executive trainer and business consultant Jim Collins by completing a brief yet powerful executive baseline exercise.

This exercise is designed to help you create a strategic blueprint for success by assessing your current leadership abilities, decision-making skills, and overall performance. Establishing a clear baseline will empower you to navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and pursue sustained excellence.

9 a.m.–12 noon

ExecuVision Masterclass With Jim Collins: Getting From Good to Great to Growth

Only 200 of the staffing industry’s top executives will have the unique opportunity to attend ExecuVision 2025 and participate in a transformative masterclass with legendary business consultant Jim Collins. Recognized by Forbes as one of the Greatest Living Business Minds, Collins will unveil new research and analysis, building on the principles from his iconic bestseller Good to Great and related works.

Collins will delve into his latest findings, focusing on the role of self-accountability among corporate leaders and how embracing it can elevate leadership, vision, and overall success. Following his presentation, attendees will engage in an insightful Q&A session with Collins, during which he will explore current business challenges and facilitate thought-provoking table exercises.

In the final hour of this exclusive masterclass, Collins will lead collaborative roundtable discussions, encouraging attendees to leverage their collective experience to creatively analyze and apply the day’s insights. This masterclass promises to leave a lasting impact, equipping participants with innovative, research-driven strategies from one of the greatest business minds of our time.

12 noon–1 p.m.

Networking Lunch With Jim Collins

1–1:30 p.m.

Speed Talks on Growth
The topics will cover a range of critical areas including organic growth strategies, M&A opportunities, and high-potential industry verticals poised for profitability.

1:30–2:30 p.m.

Achieving Level 5 Leadership for the Win

According to ExecuVision keynoter Jim Collins, Level 5 leaders prioritize people above strategy. This approach focuses on placing the right people in key roles and balancing a unique blend of humility and unwavering commitment to the organization’s goals before diving into business tactics.

To evolve into a Level 5 leader, Collins emphasizes that executives must take the bold step of acknowledging their gaps in knowledge and identifying areas for improvement. In this interactive session, attendees will expand upon this leadership philosophy, exploring what the staffing industry might look like if driven by Level 5 leaders.

In collaborative groups, ExecuVision attendees will debate essential questions such as:

  • How does the staffing industry fall short compared to similar industries?
  • What is the industry’s most significant knowledge gap, and how can it be addressed?
  • What is the one key priority that leaders should focus on for the industry’s immediate and long-term success?

At the conclusion of the debate, attendees will rank their solutions and select their top ideas to present to the larger group. Attendees will leave this high-level session with actionable solutions and a leadership mindset poised to transform your organization.

2:30–2:45 p.m.


2:45–3:30 p.m.

Speed Talks on Growth

The topics will cover a range of critical areas including organic growth strategies, M&A opportunities, and high-potential industry verticals poised for profitability.

3:30–4:30 p.m.

Confronting the Brutal Facts and Prevailing as a Leader

Being a visionary and resilient leader means facing difficult realities head-on and persisting through uncertainty. In this session, ExecuVision attendees will explore strategies and mindsets such as the Stockdale Paradox—a leadership technique that guides leaders through challenging times, encouraging them to hold on to a vision of success despite adversity.

This experiential, collaborative session will begin with attendees receiving a prompt that highlights one of the most significant and complex challenges facing the industry. This issue will vary in its impact across different sectors and firms of varying sizes. Attendees will have 10 minutes to discuss the specific ways the challenge affects their organization, followed by 20 minutes of brainstorming ideas and solutions. The session will culminate in participants pitching their strategies to peers on how to confront the issue and prevail as leaders.

Attendees will vote on the best solutions, and the results will be shared at the end of the day, offering key insights into overcoming the industry’s toughest obstacles.

4:30–4:45 p.m.

Speed Talks on Growth

The topics will cover a range of critical areas including organic growth strategies, M&A opportunities, and high-potential industry verticals poised for profitability.

4:45–5:25 p.m.

Panel Discussion on Growth

Speed Talk presenters will come together to synthesize the day’s discussions, address challenging follow-up questions from ExecuVision attendees, and delve into growth-oriented strategies for the staffing industry. This will include exploring M&A tactics, new verticals, expansion opportunities, and other key strategies for driving business growth.

5:25–5:30 p.m.

Closing Remarks and Next Steps

At the end of Day 1, we’ll review the outcomes of the day’s sessions, including key insights and solutions developed by attendees. This recap will provide a comprehensive summary of the discussions, debates, and strategies that emerged.

Looking ahead to Day 2, we’ll preview the next set of sessions and activities, outlining the focus areas and objectives that will drive our continued exploration of growth strategies, leadership insights, and industry innovations. This preview will set the stage for a productive and forward-thinking second day.

5:30–8 p.m.

Networking Reception and Dinner

Thursday, May 18

Day 2 Focus: Forecasts, Culture, and Tech

7:30–8:45 a.m.

Networking Breakfast

8:45–9:05 a.m.

Tracking Trends and Forecasting Growth

With the election results finalized and a new president in the White House, what economic policy changes and business outcomes are expected in 2025? How will these economic trends shape growth opportunities and impact staffing sales? An expert industry analyst will provide expert insights into these questions. A must-attend session every year, this presentation provides forecasts and analysis tailored specifically to the staffing and information services sector. It will also offer attendees exclusive insights into economic trends and growth forecasts in the staffing industry, equipping them with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions for their companies.

9:05–9:25 a.m.

State of the Economy—And What’s Ahead for Business

What are the most likely scenarios for the U.S. economy in the year ahead?

Which key data points should executives keep an eye on? And how can business leaders stay agile and effectively respond to changes?

This session offers valuable insights for both seasoned economic experts and those looking to enhance their understanding of future economic trends. By deepening their knowledge, leaders can make more informed decisions and position their companies for optimal performance in a shifting economic landscape.

9:25–10 a.m.

Economic and Industry Outlook Q&A

Join us for a deeper exploration of the first two presentations of the day. Analysts will provide detailed answers to your questions and present additional scenarios for the staffing industry in 2025 and beyond. This session will offer a more comprehensive understanding of the economic trends and growth forecasts discussed earlier, helping you gain further insights into how these factors will shape the future of the staffing business.

10–10:15 a.m.


10:15–11 a.m.

Embarking on the Hedgehog Journey

This experiential and collaborative session invites you to tap into creative thinking that often takes a backseat in daily professional life.

Drawing from Jim Collins’ best-selling book Good to Great, the Hedgehog Concept focuses on finding the intersection of three key circles: 1) What you are deeply passionate about, 2) What you can be the best in the world at, and 3) What drives your economic engine. Collins argues that excelling in one clear area (your “hedgehog concept”) is more strategically effective than spreading efforts across many.

During this session, teams of ExecuVision attendees will have 20 minutes to craft a story based on the following prompt:

“Once upon a time in the year 2025, there was a staffing company executive who discovered the elusive ‘hedgehog concept’ that would ensure…”

Each team will develop a narrative around their company’s hedgehog concept, detailing the vision that drives it, the discipline that maintains its focus, and the technology that supports its success.

Following this creative exercise, attendees will discuss how to translate their fictional concepts into actionable strategies for their organizations. They will also have the chance to share their stories and receive feedback from fellow participants, refining their ideas for real-world application.

11–11:15 a.m.

Gallup Insights: The 2025 State of Employee Engagement

Research consistently demonstrates that high employee engagement drives productivity, retention, teamwork, creativity, and a positive workplace culture. Yet, the factors influencing employee engagement and operational success are continually evolving, risking leaders becoming out of touch with their teams’ needs.

In this session, we’ll explore

  • Current Priorities: Are flexibility and remote work still top priorities for employees?
  • Future Trends: What does recent research predict will be the leading factors in employee engagement and retention by 2025?
  • Wellness Considerations: How are employees coping with physical and mental wellness in today’s work environment?

This session will not only present the latest research and analysis on employee engagement but also delve into emerging trends. By staying informed about these developments, companies can make data-driven decisions to maintain a competitive edge in the coming months and year.

11:15–11:30 a.m.

Passing the Buck, Yielding a Profit

An expert facilitator in organizational planning will lead a strategy-focused presentation on effective company succession planning. Whether transitioning leadership across family generations or planning for new leadership in a large staffing firm, there are proven methods to ensure a successful transition. In this session, you’ll receive step-by-step, customizable approaches to succession planning, along with a comprehensive methodology to guide your leadership team toward operational success and optimal results. This session is essential for crafting a strategic leadership pipeline that develops and promotes highly skilled leaders.

11:30 a.m.–12 noon

Welcome to the Build-A-Leader Workshop

ExecuVision attendees are top-level leaders, but what sets them apart as standout leaders, and how can they continuously refine those qualities?

In this experiential session, teams will develop a character profile of the ideal “perfect” staffing leader. Using cards and prompts, attendees will collaboratively build a leader equipped to thrive in any situation. After creating their profiles, teams will come together to vote on the most desirable leadership characteristics.

This model will help attendees evaluate their current leadership teams and either enhance or establish internal leadership frameworks, ensuring they foster the traits that drive exceptional leadership and organizational success.

12–12:45 p.m.

Networking Lunch

12:45–1:30 p.m.

Speed Talks on Culture

  • Executive Development: Strategies for advancing and refining leadership skills at the highest levels.
  • Leading Leaders: Techniques for effectively managing and guiding other top-level leaders within the organization.
  • Coaching Relationships: Building and maintaining productive coaching relationships to foster growth and success.

1:30–2:30 p.m.

Executive Coaching Express

This highly interactive session fast-tracks ExecuVision attendees to coaching success and enhanced professional results. Executives will engage in one-on-one peer coaching and explore effective coaching techniques that resonate with others.

Using the Triad Coaching Model, attendees will assume the following roles:

  • Coach: Develop deep analytical and listening skills to apply within their leadership teams.
  • Coachee: Receive coaching on a professional goal, gaining firsthand experience of the coaching process.
  • Observer: Practice active listening skills and gain unique insights into the dynamics of coaching.

This hands-on approach ensures that leaders leave with practical skills and a deeper understanding of how to effectively coach and support their teams.




Speed Talks on Technology

  • Tech Stack Strategies: Approaches for selecting and integrating technology solutions to enhance business operations.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Exploring AI applications and their impact on business processes and decision-making.
  • Data Hygiene and Security: Best practices for maintaining data accuracy and ensuring robust data protection and security.

3:15–4 p.m.

Panel Discussion on Culture and Tech

Presenters will convene to review and discuss the day’s key topics, address challenging follow-up questions from ExecuVision attendees, and delve into critical areas such as company culture and technology-driven solutions. This panel will offer a deeper exploration of the day’s discussions, providing additional insights and answering pressing questions to help attendees apply the knowledge gained to their organizations.

4-4:45 p.m.

The Great CEO AI Prompting Battle

Prepare to dive deep into artificial intelligence technology and discover more than you ever thought possible—then get ready for a high-energy competition.

In this no-holds-barred contest, top c-suite executives will face off to craft the most effective prompts for generating specified images. This hands-on exercise will not only showcase the best practices in AI prompting but also provide valuable insights into how AI tools can impact staffing operations. Attendees will leave with practical knowledge on leveraging AI to enhance their business processes and strategies.

4:45–5 p.m.

Closing Remarks and Next Steps

You are now part of an elite group of staffing industry executives committed to ongoing growth and learning. As part of this distinguished cohort, you’ll stay connected with experts and topics covered during this intensive retreat and leadership experience.

All ExecuVision 2025 attendees will be invited to exclusive follow-up virtual meetings or calls throughout the year, leading up to ExecuVision 2026. Furthermore, you will have the right-of-first-refusal for reserved seats at the 2026 event.

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