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Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to enjoy all the benefits of ASA membership. Strategic business intelligence Legal help and advocacy Learning and professional development ASA publications Exclusive industry data Community and networking And more! Learn… More ›
Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all ASA webinars and on-demand presentations. The ASA Resource Llibrary includes hundreds of presentations that members can view at their convenience and at no charge. Valuable webinars… More ›
Today’s staffing sales professionals must manage several day-to-day tasks to achieve successful outcomes. A sales playbook can help them access the right information at the right time and to properly execute each step of the sales process. Sales playbooks help staffing firms document strategies, experiences, and tactics that illustrate the most successful way to sell their service to their clients. In this ASAPro webinar, sales consultant Dan Fisher, founder and owner of the Menemsha Group, will share with you the four steps to building a sales playbook. More ›
Suggested language about the staffing industry and ASA for use in requests for information (RFIs), requests for proposals (RFPs), and collateral materials or client presentations. More ›
Download these speeches and tailor them to meet the needs of your speaking engagements. PowerPoint slides for both speeches are also available. More ›
Use this sample news release to announce your company’s membership in ASA to your local news media. By promoting membership in ASA, your company is telling job seekers, clients, and the community that you adhere to a code of ethics and are committed to legal and professional practices. More ›
The American Staffing Association is the voice of the U.S. staffing industry. ASA and its affiliated chapters advance the interests of staffing and recruiting firms of all sizes and across all sectors through legal and legislative advocacy, public relations, education, and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical, and professional practices. ASA members provide the full range of employment and work force services and solutions, including temporary and contract staffing, recruiting and permanent placement, outplacement and outsourcing, training, and human resource consulting… More ›
A good site tour with legislators, public officials, and local reporters takes careful planning. By following the tips and recommendations in this guide, you will be able to thoroughly plan, execute, and evaluate a site visit. More ›
Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today for full access to exclusive ASA members-only resources. ASA Central, the industry’s dynamic online community Valuable guidelines on best practices, contracts, social media policy, and more Marketing tools to streamline and… More ›
Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today for full access to exclusive ASA members-only resources. ASA Central, the industry’s dynamic online community Valuable guidelines on best practices, contracts, social media policy, and more Marketing tools to streamline and… More ›
Experts in the staffing and recruiting industry, as well as professionals in other disciplines pertinent to staffing, are encouraged to submit their ideas to present at ASA events, in webinars, and for publication in articles.