10 Best Practices for Game Changer Negotiators


Today’s program is brought to you by the ASA Women in Leadership Interest Group and Sponsored by Assurance
Women In Leadership


Are you being held back by a lack of negotiating skills? You’re not alone—86% of people want to learn how to negotiate more effectively, but 55% say any negotiation skills they have are self-taught. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had a framework you could apply to any negotiation.

During this webinar, learn a winning formula based on decades of best practices and research from former top sports agent Molly Fletcher, who made a career negotiating deals in a highly competitive environment. Her approach to negotiating can be learned, practiced, and applied in any business—regardless of your industry, experience, or job title.

During this webinar, attendees will learn

  • How to follow a clear framework for negotiations
  • How to close better-quality deals, faster
  • How to strengthen their connections


Molly Fletcher, chief executive officer, The Molly Fletcher Co.

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