ASA works to advance the staffing industry. About ASA

Staffing the Nation’s Health Care Needs

Staffing agencies provide critical support to U.S. health care systems and facilities. Whether it’s licensed nursing professionals for long-term care facilities or respiratory therapists in hospitals, staffing agencies provide health care systems with the flexibility to operate and expand with the right people at the right time as demand for their services shifts.

Travel NurseSeldom in history has the need for staffing services been more vividly demonstrated than during the Covid-19 pandemic. Sudden surges in demand to meet the pandemic response resulted in health care providers turning to staffing agencies to fill the need for health professionals quickly. Now after two years serving on the front lines of the pandemic, many health care workers are experiencing burnout, taking long leaves of absence, and even leaving their profession entirely.

The labor shortages that have long existed in health care have been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting in a supply-and-demand mismatch that has driven wages significantly higher for the most in-demand professionals. In short, supply is low while demand is high, driving the price of labor up.

Staffing agencies will continue to work with health care systems and facilities to ensure they have the resources and talent they need to meet their staffing needs. In addition, ASA will support its private- and public-sector partners in building comprehensive and meaningful reforms that can remedy the shortage of licensed nursing professionals, leading to both improved care and better cost management.

ASA agrees that the commonality across staffing agencies, health care providers, and public policy officials is a desire for the implementation of effective solutions that gives patients the care they deserve at an affordable cost.


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