A Vital Workforce that Supports the Economy
Staffing Industry Facts & Data
ASA pulls together the facts and data, from its own surveys and external sources, to characterize the size and scope of the industry and the people who work in it.
Meet America's Staffing Employees
These individuals have taken different paths to become staffing employees, and each has reaped unique benefits. Browse through dozens of staffing employee stories from ASA member firms.
Code of Ethics for Staffing Firms
ASA promotes high standards of ethical conduct in dealings with employees, clients, and competitors. All ASA members member pledge support of, and adherence to, these principles and practices.
ASA and Jobs for America’s Graduates
Finding employees with specific skill sets is a growing problem for employers, particularly in areas such as skilled trades. Acquiring those skills can be a challenge for young people just out of high school trying to start a career. Ergo, the skills gap.
Staffing firms, on the front lines of the hiring process, have an obvious interest in bridging that gap. To that end, ASA has forged a partnership with Jobs for America’s Graduates, a nonprofit that assists tens of thousands of young people all across America to develop core employability skills and get the training they need to prepare for entry-level skilled jobs.