The staffing industry, comprised of more than 20,000 staffing firms and nearly 17 million staffing employees, contributes over $160 billion to the U.S. economy through temporary and contract staffing, recruiting and permanent placement, outsourcing and outplacement, and human resource consulting.
For employees, staffing offers a number of compelling benefits. At the top of that list is a bridge to permanent jobs—nearly nine out of 10 staffing employees say that temporary or contract work makes them more employable. One half say it’s a way to get a permanent job. One-third of temporary and contract employees were offered permanent positions by clients where they worked on assignments—two-thirds of those accepted the offers of employment.
Time has shown that staffing isn’t just good for our economy; it is an essential industry that provides vital flexibility and support to businesses, and opportunities and flexibility for employees. And as the economy continues to evolve, with information and connectivity coming to dominate its core, the staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry is prepared to provide the vital support businesses need to grow and prosper.