Safety Best Practices
When employers provide safe and healthy work environments, employees not only benefit from fewer injuries and fatalities, but workers satisfaction, collaboration, recruitment, and retention also increase dramatically. The SSE program outlines safety best practices for staffing firms to increase productivity, quality, and ultimately, profitability.
Earn the SSE Program Mark
The SSE program Mark lets potential clients know your staffing firm has achieved a level of safety performance well beyond compliance. To achieve the Mark, staffing firms are scored based on the criteria in the SSE program assessment, which compiles best practices from ASA, NSC, and OSHAā€™s Temporary Worker Initiative.
SSE Program Tools
In this section, you will find details on safety best practices for staffing firms, along with guides, sample templates and forms to help improve what you may already have in place to keep your temporary workers safe.
Encourage Host Employer Safety
Share with clients a variety of practical tools, articles, and white papers that represent some of what is contained in the NSC Journey to Safety Excellence program. The Journey is designed for safety practitioners in organizations of all sizes and serves thousands of individual registrants. As an SSE program participant, you have automatic access to these valuable resources.