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Law & Advocacy

  • Staffing firm clients have increasingly adopted policies limiting the length of assignment of staffing firm workers as way to protect against the kind of “retro-benefits” claims faced by Microsoft. Some client policies appear to be based on the erroneous belief that, after working for a certain period of time, staffing firm employees are automatically eligible for coverage under the client’s benefits plans. To help dispel some of the common misperceptions, ASA has developed an issue paper that discusses the basic principles of law that apply to employee benefit plans and the steps clients can take to avoid retro-benefits exposure. More ›

  • Staffing firm clients have increasingly adopted policies limiting the length of assignment of staffing firm workers as way to protect against the kind of “retro-benefits” claims faced by Microsoft. Some client policies appear to be based on the erroneous belief that, after working for a certain period of time, staffing firm employees are automatically eligible for coverage under the client’s benefits plans. To help dispel some of the common misperceptions, ASA has developed an issue paper that discusses the basic principles of law that apply to employee benefit plans and the steps clients can take to avoid retro-benefits exposure. More ›

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    Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all ASA webinars and on-demand presentations. The ASA Resource Llibrary includes hundreds of presentations that members can view at their convenience and at no charge. Valuable webinars… More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

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    Highlights The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued recommended practices for temporary workers and issued bulletins on such topics as hazard communication, bloodborne pathogens, and powered industrial truck training. This webinar will review a new OSHA bulletin, which addresses what staffing firms and host employers can do to ensure that temporary workers are… More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

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    Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all ASA webinars and on-demand presentations. The ASA Resource Llibrary includes hundreds of presentations that members can view at their convenience and at no charge. Valuable webinars… More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

Experts in the staffing and recruiting industry, as well as professionals in other disciplines pertinent to staffing, are encouraged to submit their ideas to present at ASA events, in webinars, and for publication in articles.

ASA Workforce MonitorNearly half of employed U.S. job seekers (49%) believe AI tools used in job recruiting are more biased than their human counterparts. View the results & download the infographics »
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