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Law & Advocacy

  • Model Contracts

    General Staffing Agreement

    This agreement is intended for use where there is no existing written contract with the client and can be offered in lieu of the client’s standard contract form. It is based on the simple principle of “Whose business is it?”—that each party is responsible for the risks associated with its own business, and that each party has a duty to indemnify the other only for those risks. More ›

  • This material helps staffing professionals address client questions and objections that may be raised in the presentation of the General Staffing Agreement. More ›

  • A staffing firms financial exposure is necessarily more limited than that of most contractors. While staffing firms control and stand behind their own services, namely providing assigned employees qualified to work under a client’s supervision, they don’t control a client’s business. A contract between a staffing firm and a staffing client should fairly define their respective responsibilities. Using the philosophy of “Whose business is it?” such a contract should be based on the following principles. More ›

  • There are three model agreements, each designed for a different situation. Also included are additional resources to help staffing firms explain to clients the staffing industry’s contract philosophy and to answer client questions. More ›

  • Model Contracts

    Outsourcing Agreement

    This serves as an agreement between the staffing firm and client when the company performs outsourcing services on behalf of the client. This service may include project management, assumption of particular tasks, and the provision of specific deliverables to the client. More ›

  • This agreement is to be used when a staffing firm supplies assigned workers to the client on a temporary basis to supplement the client’s work force. The assigned workers will work under the direction, control, and supervision of the client. In addition to dealing with liability and indemnification issues, it contains a comprehensive set of basic operational terms and conditions. More ›

  • This agreement is used when a client desires technical services to be performed on the client’s premises by employees of the staffing firm. It states that the assigned workers are employees of the staffing firm, paid by the staffing firm, and all matters concerning wages, expenses, hours worked and paid, working conditions, and other similar administrative matters shall be resolved between the assigned worker and the staffing firm. More ›

  • This form is used when a client desires technical services to be performed on the staffing firm’s premises by employees of the staffing firm. It states that the assigned workers are employees of the staffing firm, paid by the staffing firm, and all matters concerning wages, expenses, hours worked and paid, working conditions, and other similar administrative matters shall be resolved between the assigned worker and the staffing firm. More ›

  • Legal Publications & Resources

    Model Contracts

    ASA has developed model staffing contracts that spell out the staffing firm’s and the client’s responsibilities. These include a general staffing agency contract; health care, professional, and technical, IT, and scientific staffing contracts; and a direct hire contract. More ›

  • Sorry, the content you’ve selected is for members only. Maybe it’s time to join! Or if you’re already a member, please log in. Join today to get access to all of ASA’s legal information and resources for members. The ASA legal team works hard to keep members informed about the laws and regulations that impact their… More ›

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