ASA works to advance the staffing industry. About ASA

Law & Advocacy

  • Faced with an angry electorate and uncertain political futures, the Obama administration and Congress worked to score political points before a crucial election year—in 2012, control of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate, and the presidency will all be up for grabs. More ›

  • President Obama has announced his intention to nominate two labor lawyers to fill vacancies on the National Labor Relations Board. The president needs to fill the seats to ensure that the NLRB has a quorum next year that will allow it to operate More ›

  • Businesses say that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as part of a continued effort to ramp up enforcement efforts, is increasing the number of audits of U.S. employers. There has been no formal announcement from ICE, but legal analysts estimate that several hundred employers nationwide will be receiving notices of inspection (NOIs). More ›

  • This issue paper is a guide to some of the work force management services staffing clients may be offered and the terminology used to describe those services. It also sets forth ASA’s view of how these services are affecting the staffing industry. The paper is intended primarily as information for ASA members but may be used to answer questions from clients and prospects. More ›

  • Following a recent appeals court ruling in Pellegrino v. Robert Half International, staffing firms doing business in California have to contend with the issue of whether their recruiters and account executives are exempt from overtime under state wage and hour law. This memorandum examines the court’s ruling and explores potential arguments for establishing that staffing firm recruiters and account executives are exempt under California law. More ›

  • A 2006 California Supreme Court ruling raised concerns that temporary employees might have to be paid immediately whenever their assignments end on the theory that the end of an assignment constitutes a discharge from employment. Such an interpretation would have imposed an impossible requirement on staffing firms. Without legislative clarification, staffing firms faced the prospect of paying millions of dollars in wage penalties and costs to convert their payroll systems. To avoid that result, ASA and California Staffing Professionals, an ASA-affiliated chapter, sponsored legislation to clarify that the end of an assignment is not a discharge from employment. This issue paper explains the law, which went into effect Jan. 1, 2009. More ›

Experts in the staffing and recruiting industry, as well as professionals in other disciplines pertinent to staffing, are encouraged to submit their ideas to present at ASA events, in webinars, and for publication in articles.

ASA Workforce MonitorNearly half of employed U.S. job seekers (49%) believe AI tools used in job recruiting are more biased than their human counterparts. View the results & download the infographics »
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