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ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, November 2019 Staffing employment for the week of Nov. 11–17 was relatively unchanged from the prior week (+0.15%), holding at a value of 97, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Survey respondents cited the Veterans Day holiday as a factor that inhibited further growth. Year-to-year, staffing jobs were down 5.8%… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, September 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of Sept. 9–15 surged 3.1% from the prior week to reach a value of 97 for the first time this year, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Some survey respondents cited the lingering impact of the Labor Day holiday, seasonal business fluctuations, and… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, August 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of Aug. 12–18 edged down 0.5% from the prior week to a value of 95, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Some survey respondents cited school breaks, seasonal business fluctuations, and temporary-to-hire conversions as factors that hindered job growth. Temporary and contract staffing… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, July 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of July 8–14 grew 5.5% from the prior week, which included the Fourth of July, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Survey respondents cited the lingering effect of the holiday as a factor that hampered growth. The index increased to a value of… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, June 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of June 10–16 edged up 0.1% from the prior week, according to the ASA Staffing Index. The index value was just above 95 for the second consecutive week. Staffing employment was 2.5% lower than the same week last year, but remains on par… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, May 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of May 6–12 grew 0.9% from the prior week, according to the ASA Staffing Index, marking the first time the index has registered a rounded value of 95 so far this year. Temporary and contract staffing employment was 2.2% lower than the same… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, April 2019 Staffing jobs for the week of April 8–14 grew 0.4% to a rounded value of 94—the strongest reading since late January—according to the ASA Staffing Index. Staffing employment was 2.4% lower than the same week in 2018, at which time the index was at 96—a record high for… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, March 2019 The ASA Staffing Index four-week moving average for Feb. 18–March 17 held at 93, and was 1.5% lower than the same span of weeks in 2018. Staffing employment, similar to overall economy as measured by GDP, trails last year’s pace of growth but remains solid compared with other… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, February 2019 Staffing employment for the week of Feb. 11–17 was essentially unchanged (+0.02%) for the second consecutive week, remaining at a value of 93, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Some survey respondents cited winter storms as factors that hindered growth of staffing jobs. Temporary and contract staffing employment… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, January 2019 Staffing employment for the week of Jan. 7–13 grew 4.0% to a rounded value of 94, the strongest reading for the comparable week since 2008, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Temporary and contract staffing employment was 0.3% higher than the same week last year, edging out the… More ›
Experts in the staffing and recruiting industry, as well as professionals in other disciplines pertinent to staffing, are encouraged to submit their ideas to present at ASA events, in webinars, and for publication in articles.