Improving the Candidate Experience With Digital Technology



To recruit today’s top talent, you must be able to communicate job opportunities to job seekers the way that they want to be engaged. Today’s job seeker is mobile, social, and technology-driven. Research shows that 80% of job seekers begin a job search by typing keywords on Google–you need to be at the top of search engines, and going digital can get you there.

The candidate’s experience with your brand is critical, and digital technology can help your firm simplify the talent attraction process, gather critical data on social attraction, and improve communication—so you can fill positions better and faster.

During this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • How to better reach candidates who use mobile devices
  • How to improve search engine optimization and make job opportunities go viral on social media
  • What the “black hole” is in candidates’ experience, and how it can hurt a company’s brand
  • How to improve communication and candidate experience during the application process with digital technology
  • How to reduce cost per hire over 50%, as illustrated by real-life case studies


Lindsay Stanton, chief client officer, Digi-Me

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