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ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, December 2018 Staffing employment for the week of Dec. 10–16 decreased 0.7% to a value of 102, according to the ASA Staffing Index. Reasons for the week-to-week decline include seasonal business fluctuations, inclement weather, and temporary-to-hire conversions. Despite these factors, the index held strong, growing 3.0% from the same week… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, November 2018 Staffing employment for the week of Nov. 11–18 was relatively unchanged (-0.1%), holding at a rounded value of 103 for the fifth consecutive week, according to the ASA Staffing Index. It is the first time since 2014 that the index reading has been this high for the 46th… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, October 2018 Staffing employment contracted 0.6% the week of Oct. 8–14, according to the ASA Staffing Index, edging back down to a rounded value of 102. Despite the week-to-week decline—which some survey respondents attribute to the Columbus Day holiday and inclement weather—the index registered at the highest level for the… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, September 2018 Staffing employment grew 1.7% the week of Sept. 10–16, according to the ASA Staffing Index, which surged to a rounded value of 101. While businesses recovered from the Labor Day holiday and inclement weather in parts of the country, temporary and contract staffing employment remained robust, advancing 3.8%… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, August 2018 The ASA Staffing Index for the week of Aug. 6–12 strengthened by 0.7% to a rounded value of 101—the third consecutive week the index has reached record highs for their comparable weeks. This also marks the first time the index has reached a rounded figure of 101 before… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, July 2018 The ASA Staffing Index for the week of July 9–15 jumped 6.7% to a rounded value of 98, bouncing back from last week’s holiday dip to a historically high level for the 28th week of the year. Temporary and contract staffing employment was 2.9% higher than the same… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, June 2018 The ASA Staffing Index for the week of June 11–17 rose 0.6% to a rounded value of 98—the strongest reading for the 24th week of the year since 2007, right before the Great Recession. Staffing employment was 1.3% higher than the same week last year, with some survey… More ›
ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, May 2018 The ASA Staffing Index for the week of May 7–13 edged down 0.1% but remained at a rounded value of 97, a new high for the 19th week of the year. The index continued a streak of record high readings for the comparable week—a trend that began in… More ›
Experts in the staffing and recruiting industry, as well as professionals in other disciplines pertinent to staffing, are encouraged to submit their ideas to present at ASA events, in webinars, and for publication in articles.