Instagram Strategy at Abbtech Professional Resources




Abbtech Professional Resources takes advantage of third-party suppliers to manage its social media channels, including for Instagram. Its Instagram strategy involves producing images and photographs that speak to the needs of clients and candidates in addition to highlighting the work of Abbtech employees.

Join Threase Baker, president of Abbtech Professional Resources, as she discusses her company’s Instagram strategy and explains how small firms can work with third-party consultants and suppliers to manage their social media presence. Then join Baker on ASA Central after the webinar for a live discussion on Instagram strategy and how your company can take advantage of the platform.

During this webinar, attendees will

  • Learn how to build Instagram content for a staffing audience
  • Weigh the pros and cons of working with a third party to manage social media
  • Discover how social platforms like Instagram can help you build business


Threase Baker, president, Abbtech Professional Resources

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