The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy promotes policies that help people with disabilities find, keep, and grow in jobs.
The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion helps employers hire and retain workers with disabilities. EARN is an ODEP-funded service.
The Job Accommodation Network provides free, expert, and confidential advice on workplace accommodations and other disability employment issues. JAN is an ODEP-funded service.
The Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology provides resources for digital accessibility in the workplace and in new, emerging technologies. PEAT is an ODEP-funded service.
The National Organization on Disability provides resources and training for hiring people with disabilities. NOD advocates for increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Disability:IN is an international nonprofit organization that focuses on disability inclusion in the workplace. The website offers many resources for companies that want to become disability-friendly. Disability:IN has many local affiliates.