Keeping Your Workers Safe and Your Firm Compliant, Part 3

March 17, 2020
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ASA Industrial Section
This webinar is part of a 3-part compliance best practices series for industrial staffing:


Safety is always a challenge for the staffing industry. Staffing agencies must ensure that they are sending temporary workers to safe workplaces—and that host employers treat temporary workers like any other workers when it comes to safety, health conditions, and protections.

In the final session of this three-part series on best practices on keeping your firm compliant and your temporary workers safe. Mark Lies II, partner with Seyfarth Shaw, will look at the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s temporary worker safety initiative.

During this webinar, attendees will learn about

  • What OSHA’s bulletin on the control of hazardous energy (through lockout and tagout procedures) means for staffing firms
  • How an OSHA violation affects a workers’ compensation claim
  • How to apply lessons from case studies about OSHA safety violations


Adam R. Young, associate, Seyfarth Shaw
Mark S. Lies II, partner, Seyfarth Shaw