ASA works to advance the staffing industry. About ASA


Leverage technology to help your staffing firm increase efficiencies, reduce operating expenses, fill gaps in personnel, manage customer relationships, and adapt to remote working. Joining ASA means you will stay up-to-date on the latest staffing-specific tech solutions that can give you a competitive advantage.

Tech tools to enhance your staffing firm

For more than 50 years, ASA has supported staffing firms through good times and hard times. Here are just a few of the ways ASA can help you navigate disruption:

  • ASA Staffing Tech Center online hub
  • Staffing technology white paper library
  • The latest tech news in each issue of Staffing Success magazine plus an annual look at the best technology solutions serving the staffing industry
  • Webinars, conferences, and programs to learn about innovations that can help you grow your business
  • Advice from peers on tech solutions and best practices for implementation

Connect with industry partners

The ASA community includes a vetted group of industry partners who offer technology products and services to help you overcome challenges and grow your business. You’ll have numerous opportunities to connect with these partners face-to-face or virtually throughout the year, including at Staffing World.

Ready to take the next step?

ASA Member MonogramSchedule a consultation with Debbie Mendez or Katie Henderson to learn more about ASA membership.

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8 Benefits of ASA Membership

Ready to take the next step?

Schedule a consultation with Debbie Mendez to learn more about ASA membership.

Apply for ASA Membership »

Apply as an International Member or Industry Supplier »

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